Controlling Prestress Release Cracks in High Performance Concrete Bridge Girders

Pinar Okumus, University at Buffalo, & Michael Oliva, University of Wisconsin Very efficient new pretensioned concrete highway bridge girders have taken advantage of high strength concrete and unique shapes to allow the application of much higher levels of prestress. These

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Genesee Avenue Pedestrian Overcrossing, a Concrete Bridge with a High Degree of Curvature

Paul Morel, P.E., Kleinfelder|Simon Wong Engineering, San Diego, CA, Nathan Johnson, Ph.D., P.E., Kleinfelder|Simon Wong Engineering, San Diego, CA, Craig Shannon, P.E., Kleinfelder|Simon Wong Engineering, San Diego, CA It is not every day that a bridge engineer gets the opportunity

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How to Specify and Construct Durable Crack Free Bridge Decks: Washington State Experience

Mark Gaines, PE, Washington State Department of Transportation, Mohammad Sheikhizadeh, PE, David Evans and Associates The aging and deficient bridge infrastructure of the country is facing a replacement crisis. As funding for replacement of deteriorated bridges is becoming scarcer, there

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