Kenneth R. Wykle, Federal Highway Administrator

In recent years, the number of State departmentsof transportation (DOTs) using highperformance concrete (HPC) to build or rebuildbridges has been steadily increasing. HPC usesthe same basic materials as conventional concretebut the proportions are engineered to meet thedemands of each project. State highway agenciesare finding that HPC is more durable and, inmany cases, stronger than conventional concrete.This allows them to build bridges faster, with lessmaterials, and with less labor—and that’s goodnews for their customers, work crews, budgetoffices, and traveling public.

To get the greatest benefit from this new andevolving technology, however, the many organizationsand companies involved in bridge designand construction need to share information abouttheir experiences with HPC bridge projects.Doing so will allow us to build on each other’ssuccesses and avoid any known problems.

That’s why I am pleased to introduce this new bimonthly newsletter, HPC Bridge Views, produced jointly by the National Concrete Bridge Council (NCBC) and FHWA. The newsletter will feature articles from the many partners in the HPC for bridges implementation effort, including the AASHTO HPC Lead States Team, State DOTs, universities, ready-mixed concrete suppliers,the prestressed concrete industry, material and admixture suppliers, contractors, consultants,and FHWA. The editorial content of the news letterwill be determined jointly by NCBC, HPC Lead States team, and FHWA; NCBC will handle the printing and distribution of the newsletter.

HPC Bridge Views is the first product of a cooperative agreement between NCBC and FHWA. The purpose of the agreement is to develop and implement means to enhance the use and quality of concrete materials and bridge systems. This partnership will help us achieve a more cost effective highway system.

The cooperative agreement has three key objectives:

• Identify needs related to HPC practices and procedures in relation to bridge design and construction

• Develop new and improved HPC practices and procedures related to concrete construction

• Implement technology transfer, training, and outreach activities on new and improved HPC practices and procedures; and develop partnership opportunities and joint efforts between Federal, State, and local governments, academia, and the private sector.

HPC Bridge Views is the next step in FHWA’s extensive program of activities to put the high performance concrete products developed and evaluated under the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) into the hands of highway agencies and companies. The success of those earlier activities was largely the result of the partnerships pawned and nurtured first by SHRP, and then by FHWA and AASHTO; this newsletter will draw its life from those same vital partnerships. We hope that this newsletter will be a valuable resource for all involved with HPC.