The Federal Highway Administration has announced the award of a three year study entitled “Compilation and Evaluation of Results from High Performance Concrete Bridge Projects.”

The objectives of the study are as follows:

  1. Collect and compile information about concrete mixtures, concrete properties, research projects, girder fabrication, bridge construction, live load tests, and specifications from each of the joint State-FHWA High Performance Concrete bridge projects and other HPC bridge projects completed or underway. This includes all information related to material and structural properties and behavior.
  2. Analyze and evaluate the compiled information in comparison with existing AASHTO specifications and guidelines for materials, testing, and structural design. For topics where the AASHTO specifications and guidelines need to be revised or do not exist, the compiled information will be evaluated in comparison with specifications and guidelines from other organizations such as ASTM and ACI.
  3. Where sufficient research results exist on a given topic, recommendations for revised equations, specifications, or guidelines will be developed for use by the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Materials and the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures.
  4. Where sufficient research results do not exist on a given topic, specific recommendations for needed research will be developed.

The study will result in a single source for information about HPC bridge projects. The compiled information from the HPC projects will be placed on a compact disc for use on a variety of computer systems.

The work is being conducted under Contract No. DTFH61-00-C-00009 by Henry G. Russell, Inc. The Principal Investigator is Henry G. Russell working in cooperation with Dr. Richard A. Miller of the University of Cincinnati, Dr. H. Celik Ozyildirim, and Dr. Maher K. Tadros of Tadros Associates, LLC. Readers of HPC Bridge Views who wish to contribute information to the project may contact the Principal Investigator at 847-998-9137; (fax) 847-998-0292; or [email protected].


“High Performance Concrete-Research to Practice,” Publication No. SP-189, American Concrete Institute, 2000, 466 pp.

Detwiler, R. J., Whiting, D. A., and Lagergren, E. S., “Statistical Approach to Ingress of Chloride Ions in Silica Fume for Concrete Bridge Decks,” ACI Materials Journal,, Vol. 96, No. 6, November-December, 1999, pp. 670-675.

Utilization of High Strength/High Performance Concrete, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium, Sandefjord, Norway, 1999, 1460 pp. Available from Norwegian Concrete Association. Fax: 47 22 92 75 02, email: [email protected].

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