Charles H. Goodspeed, University of New Hampshire

As part of the national program to continue the implementation of high performance concrete (HPC) in bridges, a series of seven training modules will soon be available from the Transportation Industrial Alliance (TIA). The TIA is managed by the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Florida, Gainesville, as part of their Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) to encourage partnerships between the private sector, academics, and local highway departments. The HPC modules are based on experiences and lessons learned during the design and construction of several HPC bridges that were built as part of the joint state-FHWA SHRP HPC implementation program.

Each module consists of slides and accompanying text. The modules will be available on a compact disc in PowerPoint format. A workbook for the determination of strength and durability parameters is also included on the disc.

The seven modules consist of the following:

  1. Executive Introduction by James A. Moore, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
  2. Mixture Design, Quality Control, and Implementation by H. Celik Ozyildirim, Virginia Transportation Research Council
  3. Structural Design by Maher K. Tadros, University of Nebraska
  4. Fabrication and Erection by Mary Lou Ralls, Texas Department of Transportation
  5. Cost Analysis by M. Myint Lwin, FHWA
  6. Research and Monitoring by Henry G. Russell, Henry G. Russell, Inc.
  7. Case Studies by T. Michael Baseheart and Richard A. Miller, University of Cincinnati

A prototype workshop, using the modules, was co-hosted by TIA and the Virginia Transportation Technology Transfer Center in Richmond, VA, on November 15-17, 2000. Based on feedback from the participants, the modules will be revised for the first release, which should soon be available.

The modules and support for future workshops are being offered by TIA. Professional organizations, highway agencies, and other institutions interested in acquiring the modules or hosting an HPC workshop using the modules should contact Gib Peaslee at Civil Engineering Department, Transportation Research Center, P.O. Box 116585, 512 Weil Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611-6585; phone 352-392-2371 ext. 245; email: [email protected]. The TIA is prepared to offer a full menu of training support options that a prospective workshop host can select from when organizing a workshop. Workshop information will be mailed in early spring to those agencies participating in FHWA’s HPC bridge programs, all LTAP Centers, FHWA Division Offices, FHWA Resource Centers, and State Highway Agencies. Anyone else who would like to be on the mailing list should contact Gib Peaslee.

The availability of the modules has resulted from the efforts of many people throughout the U. S. highway community. Preparation of the modules would not have been possible without their input and support. The FHWA and TIA extend their thanks to those who have contributed to the successful implementation to date. However, the process of technology transfer is only beginning. Consequently, we would like feedback from those using the modules for workshops, classrooms, or general reference to ensure that the modules contain the most current material about HPC. Please send comments to Charles H. Goodspeed at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824; phone: 603-862-1443; email: [email protected].

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