Alpa Swinger, Portland Cement Association

Welcome to Concrete Bridge Views! This is the first issue of a new bridge newsletter published jointly by the Federal Highway Administration and the National Concrete Bridge Council. It’s sister publication, HPC Bridge Views, was first published in 1999 as a four- or six- page bimonthly newsletter and focused on high performance concrete. It’s last issue was July/August 2011. This inaugural issue of Concrete Bridge Views features an expanded scope of concrete bridge longevity, preservation, materials, and innovation. Articles on concrete bridge durability, preservation strategies, new efficient beam shapes, accelerated bridge construction, materials and testing, non-destructive evaluation of bridges, designing for multi-hazard events, new types of reinforcement, how to achieve over 100-year service life, and upcoming materials like Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) will be featured. The new publication is designed to continue the tradition of disseminating valuable information to our readers. As such, the first issue number of Concrete Bridge Views will be a continuation of the HPC Bridge Views numbering, allowing our readers access to archived information. Read on and enjoy!